Thursday, June 10, 2010


As I look around at relationships I see one thing that we should definitely take into account. We are created to glorify, honor, and respect God in all our ways. But it seems like this is given a backseat to our own desires when we enter a relationship with another person. Maybe it's the Adam and Eve syndrome coming out to where we honor thier desires more than we honor God's desire. But here it is. We should seek to honor God's heart by searching out what He desires of us as individuals first by this I mean we should definitely be sure that we are serving others not to be seen serving by others but for our hearts to be seen humble by God. We should esteem others as better than ourselves, we should beat each other in showing honor, love, and respect to each other. Not to impress the other person, but to honor God's heart. The thing about us is that once we do "find" someone it seems we are willing to do anything to please them, and that should not be so. We are placed on Earth to please God, not ourselves. The only one we ought to bend over backwards to please is God because His standards do not waver in the wind as ours do. However I see in our relationships that we tend to base our actions on if it will please the other person versus will this please God? We do throw God out on the street once we achieve what we desire. Like alright God, I have what it is I desire, I no longer need or desire your input, begone. Which is ridiculous, because with one word what you have could just as eaisly be taken away by the God you have just thrown away. Thus you will have repeated the sin of Adam and Eve of coming to treasure the gift above He who gave it. It's like this, if we treasure God and the Cross above all things it stands to reason that God will reward you with the desires of your heart so long as your desires will not supplant the desire you were created to fulfill. So yes, in relationships you should enjoy the other person, it will not always go smoothly, however as long as you both keep God centered views things will go a lot smoother in the long run. Yes there will be a long run when God is the glue that holds your house together. But this is not the reason why God is the center, God is the center because without Him, nothing exists that was ever made and God is the center because you prize Him above anything that He made. That includes him and her. Therfore, treasure God in all that you do relationally and individually because from that desire to please God do all things flow. Be God lovers. Not lovers who just have a knowledge of God. Huge difference.

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