Thursday, June 10, 2010

Flesh Hatred

As I look over the last couple of days, something has become glaringly obvious to me. I have allowed my fleshly desires to overcome the Spirit's desires for my walk. It makes me ashamed of myself. How dare I call myself Christ-like? Although I realize the flesh calls all of us at some point or another why must I allow it to call to me louder than Christ calls me to holiness? As I look at the Scriptures, it seems that God calls us to His standard of holiness rather than ours. In the beginning He created us to reflect His pure glory, in the book of the law, He calls us to be Holy as He is Holy, in the book of Matthew Jesus calls us to Be perfect as Your Father is perfect. God is holding us to a higher standard than we wish to be subjected to. However even knowing this it seems that I cannot turn this loose. Therefore I have come to hate my flesh and its desires because it separates me from a right relationship with God. After I have listened to my flesh and its evil desire be it a desire for lust, unclean speech, impure thoughts, whatever it may produce it is inevitable that I feel hatred not only for the flesh but hatred at myself for listening to the roaring of my flesh versus the voice of the Shepard. I realize everyone struggles with something but this is draining me of energy. It drains me of my authority when I speak in my own mind at least.....sometimes I wonder how can my words hold any weight when I am aware of my own hidden iniquity. It might be hidden from men, but my Father sees. This burdens me. I strive to consume my flesh with this hatred of all that makes me unclean before God. By this I mean the things I am conscious of and the things I can indeed control. That is my actions and my thoughts. my attitudes. anything that I can see is not lining up with God's heart must die. Flesh hatred.

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