Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Normal is defined as being acceptable however in today's society I pose this question: What is truly not accepted or acceptable? In the past you could probably say homosexuality but not so these days as it is becoming just as much of an issue as the civil rights struggle was in the 1960's. Where are the standards people?does no one expect excellence from our children? As I look around, it is increasingly the American child who lacks when you compare our educational system to some of those around the world. There is no real schooling going on in America, the children just get indoctrinated with someone else's philosophy on subjects. There is no real dialogue on the subject matter, in most classes children are quiet and are told to just listen to the teacher explain and expound. Problem is that doesn't challenge the child to THINK and the child falls behind despite this piece of paper that says they should not be left behind. How ironic. So until standards are applied, what is normal is children falling behind globally as well as domestically. Look up the dropout rates in America. First in the inner-cities where it is almost necessary to graduate High School to even have a fighting chance at escaping the enveloping poverty and then look at it from State to state. You will see that this is not a Black/White issue but an American issue. Standards. Bring back the standards.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Standards are Needed

Standards of the industry have told you that any woman who looks like this, has that, and doesn't have that is beautiful. Very elaborate and decietful. Any woman who is not a size 2, breasts out to here and butt out to there is not attractive when the reality is that these women aren't real anyway. Nevermind the effects it has on our daughters (and sons) teaching them that their value is only limited to quantatative (measureable) values. Such lies are not only destructive to them mentally physically and emotionally but spiritually as well. It's time that we have a dialouge with our children about their own self-image before we buy them a Barbie or an action figure (Barbies in themselves lie to our children about standards of beauty) We have to tell them that they are indeed beautiful just as they are, that we love them and cherish them daily, that they are worth much more than anything any other person can promise them just because of who they are.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Perception is Not Reality

They say that the economy is the barometer of the market but I have a problem when the barometer of the market is just simple perception. whatever society percieves to be valuable is valuable, but what society views as valuable today certainly won't be valueable tommorrow. that goes as far as cars, houses, items and even to an extent, ideas. People have a tendency to view the economy as law and binding when it is only as binding as we make it to be. The market crashed because it was percieved that the American public as a collective unit could not pay it's debts and the market will start rebounding when that collective unit is percieved to be able to pay off all it's debt and then have some left. What I am saying here is do not make yourself a slave to these financial expectations or these perceptions of reality. Because as we all know, perception is due to change with the weather. Make God your barometer of your market and whether the value of the dollar goes up or down with perception, your reality will continually remain constant.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A little poetry for you.....enjoy.

I heard your pain scream to me sing to me that she wanted to be free from the social destruction of her name over time her own pain was branched off my own we both learned the melody to the song but she broke off into a sad sickening solo that was like nails on the chalkboard for you were mine but i was powerless as they turned the bed into a house of whores slowly I associated this rape of power with real power and I was confused as I offered you up for little more than empty praise but the rules of the day dictated that there was to be no escape but what was I to do when they drug my manhood off with you sold it for 25, 30 and 40 dollars apiece all I could do from then on was feign sleep for everytime I closed my eyes the image of this opression that I agreed with flashed before my eyes and again I had to rise most nights I would rather have died than to see these Demons flash and destroy my dreams of a real family atmosphere that would never happen as long as I feared the fingers rap tapping at my door asking for entrance but less of a question and more of a demand and this makes me feel like no piece of a man resides inside this heart of mine because I didn't fight for you i just let you be dragged off I just let a piece of my soul go be lost to the memories of eternity because I feared my captor's expression of rage on my back but if I could go back I'd rather take 500 lashes to the skin than to lose your heart again for there is some underlying tension between us that I can see that dates back to that dusty hut I knew that he lusted after your skin but as a man I must say that I no longer deserve the title I lay idle and pretended I didn't know why he was there the only thing that kept the cycle in place was fear but what did I do? I just placed you in a box with harlots even though it was my fault that you were trotted out to perform for those men i hated but could not displace so I just let your self-worth get decimated and myself I grew to express hatred which is why I hate you sista because I hate me too so how could I love you when I allowed such monstrous things to happen to you? additionally I learned that I was not a man because I could not protect my bride so I tucked the definition of a man inside a book I refused to read and such I stumbled thru even suppression of the liberty of you siding with the oppressors because I couldn't possibly be your protector I hated us thru time's sectors because I hated me therefore I hated you too cuz then I couldn't take your open rebuke or your secret love letters adressed to me that I couldn't bear to read because I hated me my former Queen I hate you too why do you think I disown you in every other song I ever wrote I treat you cold because I wasn't man enough to kill in your name so I act out because I am ashamed of the fact that slavery remains


the celebration of ignorance in this culture is quite disturbing.....just turn on the radio. this hatred of women, intelligence, and discretion is alarming. these things that are counted as "just a part of being young" truly lead one to becoming worthless and idle. when you are content with dumbing yourself down just to fit in....WE HAVE A PROBLEM. the education system favoring regurgitation aside....when you have a generation or two claiming that cheating is the key to thier grades just because they don't want to be accused of "acting white" I have a problem when intelligence and articulation are associated with a particular group of people. see when people run around not examining what thier children listen to and what they watch, then they do not know what influences thier child's growth and development. nowadays children are raised by the TV and sex drugs and violence is all that they see.....this cycle enforces itself brutally when it is not checked by sound doctrine. most times it isn't and a lot of people allow things to take hold in thier seeds and choke out every good thing within the patch of soil. when you allow your child to watch BET and you don't talk to them beforehand you are assisting in thier intellectual murder....helping in the genocide of a society. Bill Cosby got crucified for calling people out to attend to their children. funny thing about the truth. you either love it or you hate it.

Relationship Advice from God

I really feel like people do not know what to do once they enter into a relationship. Almost like a case of I got her now so I don't have to do much to keep her attention. WRONG. You see the key to keeping her is most definitely submission. You have to be able to submit what normally you would desire to do simply to please her. Yet at the same time keep consciousness of God's will above all things that you do for her. Meaning yes fellas we should strive to attempt to keep this woman that God has given us happy. while at the same time honoring God in all that we do. By no means should we think of her above God or anything like that, what I'm saying is we are to mimic Christ in the way that we love our women. see how Christ served the Church, serve your women, how he gave of himself, give to your women, see how he loved the Church, love your women how devoted and faithful he was to the Church be that way to your women. how Christ had compassion on the church, have compassion on your women. see the problem is that a lot of brothers make it a whole lot harder than it necessarily has to be. we going off what the world says about something that God created. He knows it's in's it's outs it's intracracies. First off, most men feel like they have to be the dominant one in a role when in actuality God has made it very clear that the man is not the dominant one, but the supportive one. He should be the rock that she needs in times of trouble, the reassuring voice when her faith is weak, the love when all she sees is hatred. we are to uplift and encourage each other. the man is not supposed to take on a daughter father approach once the knot is tied. No. You are supposed to keep on being that rock that she can lean on, and you should not be so proud or boastful about "being a man" that you cannot confide in her to do the same to you. For God created us helpmates one to another not hinderances one to another. Men seem to want validation from other males but be careful whom you seek validation from for not every male is a true Man of God. If you truly seek validation as to how to be a man and how to go about being a man, then look no further than Jesus. study how Jesus took what was around Him and made it even greater after it came in contact with Him. He has challenged men to do the same. not necessarily to that degree, but in principle if you as a man come in contact with something, make it greater. Don't give it back the same way you found it; such is the principle of a parable like the master and the three servants. That being said, when a woman does give you her heart DO NOT ABUSE IT!!! treat it as delicately as you would a flower, a butterfly or something along those lines. something that you cherish. act as though this woman is the only woman whom you will ever love. treat her like you would want someone to treat your own mother.but the key thing is not to expect anything in return. when you do things for her, do them simply because you love her. and that being said. Love is not an emotion a feeling or anything that can change, love is a constant.


aight ladies. Jealousy is NOT CUTE. it's not cute for someone to be so insecure that they would get verbally/physically abusive with you. it's not cute for someone to lie on love. it's not cute for someone to take out thier fustrations on you because they think that they cannot have you just by the sheer love that you have already shown. Jealousy is reserved only for God for only He can have Righteous jealousy which would be justified. His jealousy is not one of insecurity but one of intense passion for your Soul. human jealousy is a result of an action that was not worth the reaction. and fellas. it is not OK for you to be jealous when you see your woman, girl, S.O. whatever the title of the relationship is.....with another male. chances are she loves you enough that she will not stray. and if she doesn't it will show itself sooner or later. you do not need to charge her up on things that may or may not be fallacious which then further drives her apart from you. Jealousy is a huge block on a healthy relationship because it is basically anger gone unchecked and overheated.....Jealousy is not only an emotion, it is a spirit.....don't just treat the physical ( the part you can see) also you have to treat the spiritual side of it. you must pray that it be removed. and if it is not removed then you must remove yourself so that you are preserved.
It seems like some women have forgotten what a real man looks like, you know the ones, always saying there's no good men left....well I put together a little letter to let you know what we really look like:

If you don't like being walked to your car, don't waste your time protesting because it goes against all that I stand for. If you like being respected and called by your name the first time I talk to you then I must be a breath of fresh air in this era of HEY LIL MAMA and HEY SHORTY or even just HEY. If you like actual conversation about actual things that affect and effect people and the difference between the two then hey, I'm your guy. If you want somebody who knows what it takes to relate to a woman as a sister first then as a woman who interests him by all means speak to me when you see me. If you want someone who remains open about his past and isn't into the games and the lies that you say pervade most men these days, hey look at me. I know you might not like the wrapper and all but it's what's in the box that really matters. if you like being treated as you deserve and not as the world dictates look no further. but what bothers me is the perception of gentlemen as being weak and passive when that could be no farther from the truth. you see a gentleman has much strength that he knows how to keep in check. when he could easily crush your spirit, he chooses to build you up. he chooses to take you as you are and not make silly suggestions of things you could change because he realizes that there are some things that he does that he could change as well. if you don't want a man who hates to see you pull out your checkbook/ wallet and pay then don't worry about me. if you don't want a man who seeks to cater to you in the smallest ways not even necessarily the big and visible ways like opening your car doors and seating you and pushing in your chair then don't bother. if you don't want a man who knows what true love looks like and does, then don't worry. if you don't want a man who is willing to meet you halfway or even go the extra mile to ensure your comfort then I'm not your guy. if you don't want a man who follows Christ first in his life and follows Christ's example in his ways of thoughts actions and mannerisms then don't bother with me. I'm just a gentleman.

The Past

It appears to me that people nowadays have allowed themselves to be plauged by their pasts regardless of who you are, where you come from, or where you are going, people do things to either hide or accentuate their pasts. While what has happened has happened, you are required to let it go before you can progress personally or professionally. People committ suicide over the past that haunted them for years before finally giving in to their demons. I won't get into the deeper meanings behind that, but I will say that you should never allow your past to define you, or other people that you know. Now in saying that I do open a can of worms because I know some of you who will read this immediately say well what about the churches? Why do they not forget that the past is the past? To those of you who wonder this I say that those indivduals who question whether or not your past really is forgiven is just them doubting the Power of the Blood. But your past is not a thing to dictate or define who you are, although your experiences shape you do not allow them to place limits on what you can do in the future. The past is the past and it's in your past. Leave it there.